Friday, April 24, 2009

I have a new respect for Women that enter Menopause!

I have experienced all this and more. Why does God have women go through these changes.....wasn't CHILDBIRTH PAINFUL ENOUGH!!!!? Why not have the men go through "Manopause" and give us ladies a break?

This is my friend Jeanne Beanne!!!
I have known Jeanne for a lot of years. We were study buddies and we work together. Jeanne is currently going through something right now, and I keep her in my prayers because I now that God is able to do the impossible. I am not going to share her situation, but I ask that everyone that reads my page to say a little prayer for my friend. Jeanne has a remarkable sense of humor, when I think I want to feel sorry for her....she says or does something that takes my mind off her situation. God Bless you Jeanne, I love ya.