Friday, May 29, 2009

Mr. Mac

This is Mr. Mac. He sits on top of my pencil sharpener at work. He has become my little buddy, but for some reason my co-workers thinks it's okay to take out their personal frustration and anxiety issues on him; by squeezing and pulling on Mr. Mac. As you can see in the photo he has lost quite a bit of his hair, and his little light doesn't flash anymore. Now, tell me...why is it; that people think it's okay to tamper with other people's property. Mr. Mac didn't bother anyone, he did his job of guarding the pencil sharpener. So, now I have to put my little friend to rest. He has lost more hair since this photo, and his limbs are barely hanging on. Farewell, Mr. Mac...Thank you for entertaining me. You will be missed.

Monday, May 11, 2009

What a Blessing!

God is so good! I have spent many summers visiting my grandparents and hanging out with my cousins. We all had good times together just hanging out being kids. Now, for the first time in my life my cousin Dean has made it out to visit me and the family. When he first called me and told me that he and his wife would be stopping in to see me I didn't believe him. Reason being, #1 they were on their HONEYMOON and #2 I have never known Dean to travel past the state of Texas. I enjoyed every moment that we shared, and I am looking forward to them visiting me again. Alright Dean and Carolyn get your hiking boots, on your next visit we will hike the trails of the Point Lobos Reserve.....:o)
Just when I thought things could not get better............

My Uncles Came to Town!!!!!
Yea!!! The Uncles are HERE!!!
Look at those handsome rascals. Those are "Grandma's Baby Boys"

Although I only got a short visit with them, it was a joy to see them all. Even though my Daddy was the only brother in the group to produce a girl, I always felt like I was the uncles little girl to.

And of Course I have to mention the Aunties!
I dare not put the Uncles on the blog without saying something about the Aunties.
For those of you that wonder why I act so crazy, it's because I have all four of these ladies personalities in me. I remember growing up, my grandmother would call me by each of their names.
I always knew how I was acting by the name I was called. Thank God, Grandma raised smart, strong-minded Christian Women!