Monday, March 29, 2010

My Babies aren't Babies anymore

Where does the time go?
Tatiana is going up so fast, I can't believe she is already 14 and entering into high school in the fall. I thought I would be excited about my children "growing and going", but now that I have one in college and one working her way toward college I am feeling that; "empty nest" syndrome. I have forgotten about the plans that I made for myself once my children are grown and out of the house. It's funny, when they were young I couldn't wait until they grew up; and now that they are grown up I miss them being young. Now, I really understand what it means..."to enjoy them while they're young."

My silly girl.
I was going through pictures that I had tucked away, and it's amazing to see the changes in my children over the years. I am blessed, God has been good to me and my children and I pray that He continues to bless us.
Deionte has met himself a very nice young lady
named Natali. She attends and runs track for Sac State University.
So far, Mommy approves...she is a very sweet young lady and she has
a lot of good qualities about her that I like...:o)

Deionte continues to do well in the classroom as well as on the field. God is blessing him, continue to pray for him.