Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tatiana Graduated From the 8th Grade

My baby graduated from the 8th grade today. It's hard to believe that she will be entering into High School in the fall.

Time goes by so fast, and she is growing into a beautiful independent young lady.
Soon she will be off to college and living on her own...and my prayer is that she will keep God in her life and that she will Trust only in Him to direct her path.

Thank you to my family and friends that came out and supported Tatiana on her special day. You all play a very special role in her life, thank you for encouraging her and please continue to pray for her as she blossoms into womanhood.

Tatiana is blessed to have strong role models in her life, I pray that she learns from each them as she develops into her own identity.

May God continue to bless you Baby Girl, Mommy loves you BIGGER then the SKY!