Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Baby Boy have moved to Washington

Yesterday, my Baby Boy relocated to Washington State where he will be attending Central Washington University. He accepted a scholarship and transferred to Washington.
It is hard to let your child grow up, but it has to be done. Children...."They Grow and they Go"...I am a proud mommy. My boy is in college and not in any trouble. God is Good!
Keep your focus on God, trust in Him baby boy (Proverbs 3:5-6) allow Him to direct your path.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

"I will wait for you" by Official P4CM Poet JANETTE...IKZ

This Sistah is "Right On", this poem is a must share!

She is telling our story Sistah Girls!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Visit to West Point Academy

On Thursday, March 10, 2011...Aunt Faye and I met up with Aunt Ann, Aunt Muffin & Uncle Mack, and Uncle Don & Aunt Jenny at the Baltimore Airport to depart on our 5 hour drive to West Point Academy where my cousin Cadet Isaac C. Adams attends.

It was a long drive, we made it to the hotel, and off to dinner at Chili's we went.
Aunt Ann.
Aunt Muffin & Uncle Mack

Uncle Don & Aunt Jenny...the proud parents of the West Point Cadet

Aunt Faye...and of course I was there...I just don't care to show my face in pictures...:o)LOL!
It was a blessing for me...to sit among my Aunts & Uncles, and learn of them. I love the wisdom of the generation before me, we middle age youngsters need to hear from the old school crew to learn of how hard work and dedication can lead to great rewards.

DAY 2...March 11, 2011...Friday

The Alumni Building

After getting a good nights rest, we got up early and headed to the Academy to meet Isaac and have breakfast before we begin touring the campus.

And here I am with my little cousin...Cadet Isaac C. Adams. So proud of him!!!!!
Everyone was so excited to see Isaac when he came over to the alumni building to greet us, I am sure he was surprised to see so many faces there to support him on the open house weekend.

I am sure Daddy & Mommy was very excited to see their Baby Boy.
Can you believe? This young man has been receiving a college level education
since he was 14yrs old. The Joker was so smart, the Huntsville school system
had to send him to a school 3 hours away in Mobile, Alabama to accommodate
his academic level of learning. This young man is truly blessed!

I am sure by now, some of you are wondering why Aunt Ann wasn't in the pictures when we greeted Isaac. Well, here's the story....(shaking my head)...Auntie, decided to store her driver license in her checkbook. When we got to the check point to get on base, she was unable to find her driver license; it was only by God's grace that she had her work badge in her purse and was allowed to enter onto the campus. She had worked herself up, stressing about where she could have left her checkbook, and was in overload back tracking where she may have lost it. She ask Uncle Don to take her back to the hotel so that she could look through her bag there. While all this is going on...Uncle Mack calming states..."She probably dropped it in the car"...and before Aunt Faye could offer her the keys to check the car Aunt Ann and Uncle Don were already on their way back to the hotel to search.

So, those of us that stayed behind went on to tour the campus as planned....
and what a tour it was!
Our tour begin with the "Uniform Factory"
All of the cadets uniforms are hand made on site.

All of the uniforms were made by hand, they even make the bathrobes for the cadets. The biggest blessing in my opinion is...because the uniforms are made on site...it allows a lot of folks to have jobs....:o)

The Uniform Factory
Okay America....our tax dollars buys 17,000 yards of fabric at the price of $32/yard. That's a grand total of $544,000/per year to clothe the cadets.

and don't forget about the buttons...
Each button cost.....$1.25
And on one jacket....my Uncle Mack and I counted 44 buttons!

This jacket alone has 44 buttons! (I apologize for the bad pic)....2 on the collar, 3 on each sleeve, 24 on the front, and 12 on the tail of the jacket.

The fabric is on a large spool, that is connected to a cutting table. The fabric is layered about an inch thick.

The material is then cut by this large computer cutter, that has the pattern programmed to cut the proper sizes.
Moving along.....

When the pattern is cut, Ms. Anne here matches the various sizes
Yes people, she marked all the sizes of these piles!
In this picture is the pattern of the coat the cadets wear in rainy/cold weather,
the picture below is me standing next to the finished product.
When the patterns are cut and sorted, then off to the sewing room.

Ms. Maria, is busy piecing a jacket together.....when she finishes piecing
the jacket together...

Ms. Fran takes over, and prepares the collar of the jacket. Have you ever wondered
why a cadet holds his/her neck so stiff....well, Ms. Fran puts metal clamps in the collar
which will hold the fake collar that goes around the neck. It looks uncomfortable, but hey! the cadets have to look good in uniform.
....and she is very proud of her work!

Remember the "fake collars" I mentioned? A fake collar, is white material inserted in the collar of the jacket to make us think the cadet is wearing a white shirt under their jacket...
well, Ms. Ursula is responsible
for making those, Ms. Fran passes the jacket off to her and she fits
the collar in place.

Now, across from Ms. Ursula.....

we find.....
Ms. Sue making the tail of the jacket.
I must say everyone I chatted with truly enjoys their job, and that is a blessing!

West Point likes keeping it old school.....

....the ladies still sew on the old model Singer Sewing Machines.
Now, we are outside the sewing room...and I am sorry to say
I can't remember this young lady's name for the life of me.

....anyway, she is responsible for the finishing touches of the jacket.
...and let me tell you when the cadets are in full uniform, they are SHARPE!...LOL
Read on....and you will see what I mean.

Oh, I forgot to share with you how the black embroidery gets on the jackets.....
Well, of course the machinery is top of the line. The pattern is programmed into the machine
and the needles put the thread in it's proper place.

When all the pieces are put together, the buttons are in place, and the embroidery is complete,
then off to the pressing room.

End Product:

A very well dressed Cadet!

I must tell you, the uniform factory is a nice operation...I wouldn't mind working there myself.
After our tour, the rain had begun again....Which was bad, because the bus that was taking us around campus had an accident. Which meant we had to get off the bus and wonder around looking for where we were supposed to be. But God is SOoooo Good, He shut down the rain shower, and we continued to tour the campus on foot.....Amen!

The Jefferson Library
This building is the Jefferson Library.

Named after President Thomas Jefferson

Uncle Mack and I get in a few photos before Cadet Adams plans the rest of our day...:o)
It has been a long morning....and it was nearing lunch time.

If you are still wondering about Aunt Ann & Uncle Don...they still haven't met up with us at this point of the tour. But here are a few pics of what we saw while we waited.

Not sure what this area was, just thought I needed a picture of it....:o)

This is the Barracks (Dorm) where the cadets live.
Aunt Muffin (Ruby) found interest in reading the Memorial Wall of Military Heros

This building is known as Thayer Hall, and sits right on the Hudson River

Quick view of the Hudson
Thayer Hall is were Isaac attends a few of His classes....Computer & Math
Quick remark: You know "Isaac has skills"...the teacher admitted that Isaac slept through
the whole semester and walked a way with an "A" in his class.....LOL!
Also, in Thayer Hall there is an auditorium that sets 1500+ people and it is named after
Commanding General Roscoe Robinson Jr. (Class of 1951), He was the First Black 4-Star General in the Army.
A few more history tidbits...First Black to Graduate from West Point Academy was Henry O. Flipper (Class of 1877) as a Civil & Mining Engineer...the First woman to graduate from West Point was Andrea Lee Hollen (Class of 1980)

This building: Washington Hall...
(Mess Hall and Dorm rooms are found in this building)

Cadets marching off to somewhere...
"the Hudson"

Finally, we are heading to " Grant Hall"...It's Lunch Time!
All this walking has me tired and hungry...:o)
Grant Hall, is like a fast food place...a grab & go type of deal. Cadets can grab a quick
snack in between classes or on study breaks. They have pizza, sandwiches, hamburgers...etc.

The family had a nice lunch together...and Aunt Ann and Uncle Don were able to join us after their tour of the uniform factory....Hallelujah!!!!!
Oh....by the way...Aunt Ann didn't find her checkbook & ID at the hotel,
but stay tuned...Family: you know it's making her crazy not knowing where she lost it...
(shaking my head...)
Uncle Don as always...remains patient and calm with a smile on his face.

This is my little cousin...Cadet Isaac C. Adams....I am so Proud of this joker!
You will probably read how proud of him I am a few more times in this blog....
To God be the Glory!

After lunch and meeting up with Aunt Ann & Uncle Don it was now time to go to Eisenhower Hall for the Commandant's Welcome. For some reason I didn't get a picture of the building, but let me tell you...listening to someone talk about all the accolades of West Points is not a good thing after walking all morning & eating lunch. At this point of the tour I was tired! I was stuffing candy in my mouth to get a sugar high so I could stay awake through the welcome....LOL!...But I made it.

The day was coming to an end...it was time to head back to the hotel. We hung around the campus until time for Isaac to sign out, then begin making plans for dinner.

Oh!...And yes...Aunt Ann found her check book and driver's license. It was just
where Uncle Mack said it would be...."on the back floor board of the car"....(shaking my head)
Poor Uncle Mack....no one ever listens to you...but we Love Ya Still!...:o)

Day 3...March 12, 2011...Saturday

Look who joined us for the second day of the tour....
It's my cousin Lynn! Mind you they were 4hrs late, she kept telling me on the phone
that they were in traffic...but the I know it wasn't just traffic that was holding them up...:o)
This is Ms. Madi...Lynn's daughter
Well, the reason they were late is....Ms. Madi has what is called an American Girl Doll, some
of you may of heard of this doll. Anyway, the doll had a hair appointment at the American
Girl Doll beauty salon in New York City and she also needed a new outfit. Now, I have a daughter and she has had many dolls, but I don't ever recall taking the doll to a hair appointment or buying it outfits...LOL! I meant to take a picture of the doll, but I was probably in shock from hearing what all they did with this doll in New York City.
Any way...
After meeting Morgan...Madi's doll

It is Parade Time!
the Cadets marched in full formal gear

It was a nice presentation of the Class of 2014
I was so excited when Isaac walked by, his head got cut off in this photo...:o(
...he was sharp in his uniform & hat

After the parade and a little more fumbling around on campus, we went to lunch in the "mess hall".

The "mess hall" is located in Washington Hall
The is were the cadets are served all of their meals.
Their meals are served on real dishes...no paper or plastic here folks!

The building was beautiful, it's something you have to see in person
to appreciate.
We had a nice lunch of chicken & salad.
We made new friends from Minnesota...Mr. Jo and his son Cadet Joey,
and the nice lady in the photo was one of our servers

After Lunch...it was time for more walking....:o/

Walking....more Walking....

"Trophy Point" a nice walking tour along the Hudson...with historical points of interest to read.
The channel where the "Great Chain" was put to block out the British

My Aunt Jenny having a "Mary Tyler Moore" moment....:o}
My Aunt Faye taking it all in.

What-cha' thinking Uncle Don?
A quick history lesson from Uncle Don on "The Great Chain"

Are we done yet?

We then walked over to the Gym, to see a demonstration on Military Movement
That was impressive...

The Cadets go through various conditioning & strengthening drills.
Their course work include...Combat, boxing, & Survival Swimming

Off to the Barracks...

Through the tunnel...

...into the courtyard of the Barracks

A Church sets high in the background of the barracks
The first row of windows, the third window from the bottom, is where Isaac resides.
This is Isaac'a room...the room that he shares with 2 other cadets.

The closets were in order
Hats in place
Isaac's bed was neat and tidy...and no I didn't do the quarter bounce test...:o)
...of course the "hospital corners"

Isaac gives the family a full tour of his room.
Isaac shares what's in his storage bunk.

Uncle Don & Aunt Jennie looks on

After two days of touring the campus, it was time to prepare for the Banquet.
So, back to the hotel we went for a little R & R before returning to the campus for the
closing Banquet.

The Banquet was held in Washington Hall...aka..."mess hall"
A few quick photos before dinner
Isaac thinking about Spring Break...:o)

"The Aunties"
Uncle Mack & Aunt Ruby
Isaac & the Aunties
Isaac, me, & Uncle Don

The Banquet was nice, and after we went to Ike Hall for the meet & greet with the Commander.

Thank you Isaac for sharing your time with us, you were a wonderful host.
My prayers are with you and if God says the same, I will be looking forward to
attending your graduation in 2014.

God Bless you, Cadet Isaac C. Adams

Thank you Family, for a wonderful trip to West Point.

and I must not forget about our little Cover Girl....

How many of you can say that you have a relative on the cover of a national magazine?

I can!!!

Ms. Sienna Lucy (Frank & AnneMarie baby girl) has made the cover of the April issue
of Baby Talk Magazine.
Congratulations Ms. Lucy Girl!