Saturday, October 22, 2011

L.A. Babies

I love seeing my nieces and nephews.  Spending a weekend with them is like going to Disneyland, they are so entertaining and full of life.  I am proud of those little jokers...:o)
Don't they just make you smile when you look at them!
       This is my little Chapel, he sure does know how to steal
          his Aun-Cee's heart.
He's very alert to be 3mo, the boy pays attention to
  his surroundings...
and he loves to chat...his name should be changed to
Chatty Chapel.  He's a happy little guy & I love him bunches!

Of course when in L.A. you will see interesting people and while driving down the street, I just had to pull over and have my picture taken in this giant chair.

 And of course DeNevia and Tatiana had to get in on the action!
 What a great chair to use for "Time Out" for Ms. Tatiana when she gets out of line...:o)

If was a fun week weekend...I got to go hang out on Crenshaw Blvd for the Taste of Soul Celebration.
 Lots of people attended, you know I don't get to see this
many black folk where I live...LOL!
 some were dressed in interesting costumes.
Queen Latifia made a guest appearance, along with Naughty by Nature, Eric Bonet, and Tyrese.

It was a fun weekend for all.