Monday, December 5, 2011

My Babies have Grown

Well, America I didn't think it would happen so fast.

I know that when we have children we are to enjoy every moment that we are with them, nurture them (even if we have to whip that behind from time to!), and train them up in the way of the Lord (Proverbs 22:6).  I miss my babies...I went from being called "Mommy" to just "Ma".  
 Look at son is now a man and my little girl is now a young lady.
 Sometimes I wonder, did I teach them everything they need to know to be
productive and independent?  I am constantly praying, asking God to keep watch over them.  

My son is doing well in Washington at Central Washington University.  In the Monterey Herald today (December 5,2011) John Devine wrote about Deionte leading the Wildcats in tackles this season.  Of Central Washington's 65 tackles, 41 of them were solo tackles by Deionte....that's amazing to me, because his position is "Safety". My little girl is busy playing basketball for Seaside High, active on the JROTC Drill Team and Raider team. 

I am proud of my babies, and they are doing what I raise them to do.....

...and that is to "Grow and Go". 

My prayer is that they accomplish the goals they set, and live successful lives with careers they enjoy.

I am so proud of you both, Mommy loves you Bigger then the Sky!!!