Monday, July 2, 2012

My little Drummer Girl

I have so much fun hanging out with my little niece.  I think I enjoy her toys more then she does most of the time.....LOL!

This BabyGirl a year ago, when she first got her drum.....

Friday, April 6, 2012

Well America, my daughter is transitioning into young adulthood.
I don't know if I am ready to let her go.  She is so driven, so motivated, and determined to go out into the world and build a successful career and life.  That's a  good  thing, I am happy that she is ambitious and not afraid to face new challenges....But the mommy in me is sad, because she is my baby.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


I can't get this rap out of head....LOL!  These young men have summed up a few relationship issues in a rap, it is pretty funny, because I have actually witness young ladies acting the way they describe in this video.

Hello America

It's been awhile since my last post.  I haven't done much to really blog about, but it is always nice to reconnect with the nation about the going ons in life.
 Well, America, my son has made it to his last year of college.  It is hard to believe that time has gone by that fast.  I am proud of him, and I pray (as I hope that you all will) that he reaches his dream of playing in the NFL...but if that is not God's plan then I pray for his success in whatever he is called to do.
Can you believe my daughter went to her first JROTC Ball, and she had a date!!! I am not ready for my little girl to be doing all this, but I know she has to grow up and I have to let go.
It's funny, we know that one day our children will grow up and go off to have lives of their own.  But when it actually happens we are not really prepared to let them go.  Oh sure, we trash talk and tell them "as soon as you hit 18 you got to hit the door", but in our hearts we are just as scared as they are.
I had to move to an apartment, which I am happy about, because in apartment living I don't have to worry about the
the responsibility of yard work like at the other house, or taking care of maintenance issues. It's nice to just pick
up the phone, and like magic everything is taken care of....:o)

My apartment over looks the golf course, which have proven to be quit entertaining. I have watched golfers play in the wind and rain...that's dedication that I can't commit to. 
 Unfortunately, moving into an apartment meant that I had to give up my pal Merci....:o( She has been placed in a good home, and I get to hear fun stories of how she is doing. I am happy to hear how she has blessed the life of her new owner.

Well America, I will try to get back into blogging mode again.  I have been studying with a great bible study group and I am growing in God's Word.  The life application, the testimony, and the dedication of learning God's Word has taught me to be more discipline in my study.
If you are not in a Sunday School or Bible Study group...then dust off your bible and find yourself a church home to study with.  If you are on the Monterey Peninsula, you are always welcome to fellowship at New Hope Baptist Church in Seaside (

God Bless, America