Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tequila and Salt

I got this in an e-mail:

Tequila and Salt

This should probably be taped to your bathroom mirror where one could read it every day.You may not realize it,but it's 100% true.

1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for.

2.. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.

3.. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because
they want to be just like you.

4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone,
even if they don't like you.

5. Every night,SOMEONE thinks about you
before they go to sleep.

6. You mean the world to someone.

7. You are special and unique.

8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.

9. When you make the biggest mistake ever,
something good comes from it.

10. When you think the world has turned its back on you
take another look.

11.. Always remember the compliments you received.
Forget about the rude remarks.

Always remember....
when life hands you Lemons,ask for Tequila and Salt and call me over!

Good friends are like stars........
You don't always see them,But you know they are always there.

"Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another,
Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway"

I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend
while I'm here than a whole truck load when I'm gone.

Happiness keeps You Sweet,
Trials keep You Strong,
Sorrows keep You Human
Failures keeps You Humble,
Success keeps You Glowing,
But OnlyGod keeps You Going

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Grandmother

This is my grandmother, doing what she loves...and that's in the kitchen cooking up the good eats. My grandma has feed many hungry souls from that stove she is standing at in the picture. Not only did you get a good meal, but you would receive a blessings as well. My Grandmother was not ashamed to let others know how good God is.
It's this time of year when I think of her most, I can feel her spirit. I use to call her almost everyday, sometimes I would call just to hear her voice. Everytime she answered the phone she would say, "Hey Charlene, how you doing?" I can still hear her laughter as we talked about silly things. When she died, I felt like a part of me left. It has been 12 years since her death, I still feel like I haven't recovered from her passing. I miss her so much, her words of wisdom, her encouraging words, her strengths, her passionate thoughts she shared on family and relationships. When I feel myself forgetting things she would say, I start reciting our conversations that we once had to refresh the memory. I remember when I first found out I was preganant. I don't know how she knew, but she called me and said "do you have something to tell me?"
When I was about 10 or 11, my brother and I got to go live with my grandparents. I must say it was like going to bootcamp. For some reason I thought I could challenge my grandmother. Just like bootcamp, my grandmother broke me down and then built me up. My grandmother introduced me to God, she taught me how to pray, and how to turn to the Lord in time of need.
Sometimes I find myself doing things the way she would do them, I look at my hands to see if they resemble hers, I sit and meditate on our quiet moments we once shared.
While I was in DC last month, I got to visit with 3 of my Aunts, and a warm feeling went over me. Memories rushed over me, as I saw a piece of my grandmother in each one them. Grandma was right, there is nothing like being around family. To be around the roots of who you are and where you came from. When I am in the mist of my family, I see myself. The joy of being with family is a blessing.
I love you Grandma.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Aww...the beautiful Monterey Bay. When I first moved to California, I was fascinated by the waves of the ocean. Some days when I looked out on the sea the waves would calmly roll into the shore and then quietly slide back into the ocean. Then there were days when the waves would crash in, roaring like thunder. I remember the water being comforting, and when I needed to clear my head I would go and sit by the water. At times I found myself laughing, crying, or even screaming into the waves. I have told the ocean many secrets and shared many dreams, that I have not shared with anyone.

I use to dream. I dreamed of having a family, a nice home, and a decent income. I dreamed of being a business owner, doing something rewarding that made others happy; while at the sametime earning an income doing it. For a long time, I wanted to own my cafe. I wanted a place were people could come and eat and feel at home. I remember Sunday Dinners at my Grandma's, the conversations, the laughter, and joy that was surrounding the dinner table. It's amazing how food, can bring unity, comfort, and love ones together. I can still hear my Grandmother's voice when a visitor would stop by at meal time, "Come on in and Sitaspell". She always had a kind word, along with a good meal to warm your soul. Where have our Mothers and Grandmothers gone? Does that Southern Hospitality still exist? I wonder?

Name of my dream Cafe: "Sitaspell". Operated on Love, generated by God.

For some reason, I lost my ability to dream. I lost focus of my passions and talents. I look through photos that I have taken, and I can't seem to read them the way I use to. When I look through my camera at God's beautiful creation, I can't seem to capture the beauty the way I use to. Words don't come easy for my anymore,

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Chocolate Break

What a beautiful thing.....I love my culture and the many shades it offers. Our Black men are like a bouquet of chocolates....Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, Almond Chocolate, Hazel Nut Chocolate.

Happy Valentine's Day Ladies!!!! Have a Chocolate Break on Me.

Thank You cousin Marion for the chocolate treat.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

TatianaTurned 13 Today!!!!!

My baby has turned 13 years old. I don't know where the time has gone. It seems like she was just a baby yesterday and now she is always playing with her hair in the mirror or looking for the latest fashions on the web.
Happy Birthday Babygirl, Mommy loves you bigger then the sky.....