Sunday, February 15, 2009


Aww...the beautiful Monterey Bay. When I first moved to California, I was fascinated by the waves of the ocean. Some days when I looked out on the sea the waves would calmly roll into the shore and then quietly slide back into the ocean. Then there were days when the waves would crash in, roaring like thunder. I remember the water being comforting, and when I needed to clear my head I would go and sit by the water. At times I found myself laughing, crying, or even screaming into the waves. I have told the ocean many secrets and shared many dreams, that I have not shared with anyone.

I use to dream. I dreamed of having a family, a nice home, and a decent income. I dreamed of being a business owner, doing something rewarding that made others happy; while at the sametime earning an income doing it. For a long time, I wanted to own my cafe. I wanted a place were people could come and eat and feel at home. I remember Sunday Dinners at my Grandma's, the conversations, the laughter, and joy that was surrounding the dinner table. It's amazing how food, can bring unity, comfort, and love ones together. I can still hear my Grandmother's voice when a visitor would stop by at meal time, "Come on in and Sitaspell". She always had a kind word, along with a good meal to warm your soul. Where have our Mothers and Grandmothers gone? Does that Southern Hospitality still exist? I wonder?

Name of my dream Cafe: "Sitaspell". Operated on Love, generated by God.

For some reason, I lost my ability to dream. I lost focus of my passions and talents. I look through photos that I have taken, and I can't seem to read them the way I use to. When I look through my camera at God's beautiful creation, I can't seem to capture the beauty the way I use to. Words don't come easy for my anymore,

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