Saturday, March 28, 2009

God is Good..........All the Time

"Train up a Child in the way he should go:
and when he is old, he will not depart from it"
Proverbs 22:6

Look how my babies have grown.
As a mother, I have always wanted to give my children everything; I worked many hours to provide the needs and wants of my children and I don't have any regrets. Although I would work multiple jobs at a time, I made time to spend with my babies. I thank God for the people He put in our path to help me raise my children. I listen to single parents today complain of the struggle of raising children on their own. When asked how did I make it this far, my only response is....."Me and Jesus raised these children." The job that I have, the roof over our heads, the food on our table, my support group of family and friends, and the constant communication with God is what truely got me this far. It's not easy being a single parent. It's hard! Emotionally! Physically! and Spiritually! The times that I wanted to throw in the towel, and to just give Spirit would say different and God would give me the strength to go alittle further.
There is a song by Marvin Sapp, "Praise Him in Advance" when I heard that song it spoke to my heart so deeply, that I begin to look back on the times in my life when I felt that I was alone. A time when I felt no one understood what I was feeling as a single parent or the emotional strain that I was going through, but God spoke to me. I felt His unchanging hand touch my soul, and it's that moment when I humbled myself to the Lord and allowed Him to heal my spirit. There's not a day that goes by that I don't thank God for all He has done and all that He is doing for me. I don't know what God has planned for me, but I am going to continue to Praise Him in Advance.
I write this to say, hang in there....all you "Single Parents", "Single Grandparents", "Single Teen Parents", "Single Parents with Spouses".....God is able to take care of your every need. Just rely on Him, I dare you to try Him. I've tried Him and I can testify that He is a God that can make a way out of no way.

"The Land of the FREE......."
How many of us truely beleive that line in the National Athem...."Land of the Free, home of the brave?" I have uncles, my father, cousins, and friends that have fought for this country. I fight that has allowed my children to continue on with their education, a fight that has allowed me the freedom to worship my God. When I look up at our flag, I can't help but think of the many lives that was given for those colors that blows in the wind. We are a blessed nation. A nation that needs to rid ourselves of our selfish ways, and work together as one nation under God. God, the foundation that this country was originally built on. "....All things work together for good to them
that love God..."Romans 8:28
Keep our troops in your Prayers....

While I was in DC, I had the priviledge to visit the Smithsonian. Prior to my visit, my Aunt Ann came across this quote on the wall in the museum, and she shared with me the response of the other vistors that were around her as she read it. Now, if you know my Aunt Ann, you know that she is a dramatic speaker....she can bring life to words in ways that I wish that I had the gift of doing. She said that she was leaning on the banister infront of the exibit, and in a low tone she recited the words above her....."All I ever wanted was to be free." People turned and focused their attention on her, and her daughter without realising that my Aunt was reading a quote asked if she was okay. With the response that my Aunt Ann received from those around her just by reading the simple words before her, can you imagine the response that the slave received when he/she spoke these words..... I can tell you that the response must have been powerful, because the quote hangs in the Smithsonian today.

Look who turned 18!!!!!

My little neice, Analicia is now 18 years old. She is in her final year of high school at Hamilton High in Los Angels, Ca. She is preparing to go to college, in hopes of working in the sports industry as a career. She had talked with me about the field of physical therapy. I ask that you all keep praying for Ms. Ana, as well as the rest of our children.

Monday, March 23, 2009

My DC Trip

The purpose of my trip to DC was a surprised generated by two cousins for my little Auntie Faye.

The plan was for me to fly into DC, and have Lynn and her husband Marvin to invite Auntie out for a Birthday dinner, which at that time I would surprise her with my presence.

Well, that sounded like a great plan.....but something better came up.

I did get to surprise my Aunties, and had dinner with my Aunt Faye,

But..............I got to be apart of history.......

I get to sit and tell my grandchildren one day

how I was in the mist of thousands watching the Inauguration of the First African American President.

Although I wasn't on the front row, or even close
enough to get a glimpse of President Obama and the First Lady; I had a memorable experience in DC. Just watching the people around me, the joy on there faces, and the hope of change in their conversations. Everyone seemed a little nicer. People were a little more patient. There was a feeling of unity among thousands.

The Metro was packed tighter then a can of sardines, but I didn't hear any complaints. We all had a common goal, and that was to be apart of history in the making.

.....and when it was all over, after the National Mall was cleared.....I could still feel the excitment of the previous day.

I had a wonderful time. Lynn and her family spoiled me, I almost didn't want to go home. It was nice to go away and not have to do anything but relax and be catered to. I got to go out to nice dinners, sightseeing, hung out with my little buddy Ms. Madison.......and not only did my counsins take me to their church to be fed the Word, they took me out for a wonderful Birthday Lunch. It was just a pleasure to be with family and enjoy each other's company; and I am looking forward to reaching out to all my cousins and fellowshiping with them as well.
Thank you Lynn, Marvin, and especially Madison for keeping my secret. I really enjoyed myself and will be back to get a full tour of DC when it is warmer.

For my next trip, I will keep a mystery. My Aunt Ann was a little upset that she didn't know I was coming, but I have a surprise planned for her too. So, Aunt Ann...the next time I ask you to save me a slice a cake, please be kind and set my piece aside......:o)