Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Kiara Jade at the Park

Well, America I got to have my niece for a weekend. Baby-girl reminded me that it takes a lot of energy to care for a baby. Now that she is mobile, she is a very busy girl....she really kept me on my toes. So I thought what better way to burn off her energy then to take her to the park! When we first got to the park, she was cool with the little toddler area...she was able to crawl around the little jungle gym, and pull herself up on the railings. But when she got a glimpse of the big play area, it was all over. I had to carry her around so she could see everything that the bigger kids were doing.

I know that she would enjoy the play gym more if she could walk.
Be patient Baby Girl your time will come....:o)
Look Aun-Cee! I can pull myself up.....
Now What!

Aun-Cee, I don't think I like sitting on the grass
It's a little itchy, are you sure it's okay?
Can I eat it?
I will grab a hand full and try it out.
I don't know about this!

Aun-Cee, I think I am ready to make a move. I know I can take my first step on my own.
Give me a minute! I gotta think this out....Which foot should I move first?
Well, that went pretty good. I think for now I will stick with walking around Aun-Cee's coffee table.
Wow...Aun-Cee am I really supposed to be amused by this lump of metal.

Really, you are taking pictures of me on the leg of a kid I don't even know.

Baby-Girl had a long day, and I must say the park did the trick. When we got back to the house she ate, had a bath, and it was lights out for the night.

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