Friday, December 26, 2008

God has really blessed my family in 2008!!

With all that is going on with the economy, my family and I made survived another year. I thankful for the blessings that God has given health, good friends, family, a job, and a roof over my head.

Proverbs 22:6 reads, "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." As a single mother I did my best to supply my children with their needs, keep them focused on their academics, and to be supportive in their activities.

I was overwhelmed with joy, when Deionte was awarded with a full scholarship to Sacramento State University. I stressed over how I was going to pay for him to go to college. I prayed, and the Lord saw fit to answer my prayers. It was a proud moment for me the day we (Deionte and I), signed for his scholarship to Sac State.

And then the proud moment of watching my son get his High School Diploma.

Deionte left for Sac State two days after graduating from Seaside High, and found that high school and college are diffinately two different worlds. Not only did he have to leave his friends and family, but he had to grow up and be a man in a bigger city.
He made it through his first semester, passing all his courses....and ending the football season with 76 tackles, 4 Interceptions, 1 Sac, and 1 touchdown. GO HORNETS!!! Not bad for the "True Starting Freshmen"!!!!

My lovely Tatiana is doing very well. She maintains a 3.33 GPA. She is in the 7th grade

She has become quite the Volleyball player and has now ventured off in to the world of Basketball.

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