Friday, January 9, 2009

2012 NFL Draft Pick

I was playing on the internet, googling mindless things....when I decided to google my son's name. Interesting enough, the NFL Draft pick came up for 2012......Deionte was #999. I am proud of the little joker, but I was amazed at all the sites I found my son on. People have been writing commits about him as far back as the 9th grade. We raise our children and pray that we are doing what pleases the Lord. Who would ever have thought that my child would be on the NFL draft list. I know that 2012 is a long way off, but to have your name as a potential pick is something to be excited about in it's self.
Deionte Gordon Sacramento State, CB : 2012 NFL Draft Scout Player Profile

I remember when I had Deionte, I called my grandma crying like a baby. I wasn't ready to be a mother to anybody. In her stern voice, my grandmama told me "Charlene, just give him to Jesus, and everything will be alright." I followed what grandma said. I turned my baby over to Jesus, I pray for both my children everyday and the Lord has truely been keeping them both. I am a proud parent, and for those of you who think all hope is lost because your children are not going the way we want them to........just give them to Jesus. Proverbs 22:6 is one of my favorite scriptures: "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Parents get your children to the church house while they are young and still under your roof. Now, I can tell you they will go with a little attitude in their movement...but it's part of the training. And yes, as soon as they turn 18 they will start feeling themselves and stop going to church as much as we parents would like, but the important thing is...the seed has been planted.
I know Deionte doesn't attend service and bible study, the way his sister and myself does, but I do know that he knows the Lord. He knows how to call on the name of Jesus. I say all this, because I see so many parents give up on their own children. Prayer works. So keep on praying and trusting in the Lord, and every now & then slip words of encouragement to your children. I even text scripture to my kids from time to time, to fed them a little bit of the Word. We as parents need to stay active in our childrens life and know what's going on with them even if they feel we are all up in their business. I tell my kids I am paying for your business, so it's mine to be in.
Parents help each other out, because these young people are living through some trying times. It's hard to be a young person today in this society. Let's just keep praying for them and loving them.

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