Monday, January 26, 2009

Inauguration Of President Obama

Can you beleive I was in the mist of this? I was actually one of the millions there to see President Obama be sworn in as the first African-American President. A moment in history that I will one day share with my grand-children.
This was a proud moment for all, not just Black America. We have all been praying for change, and God saw fit to start in the White House. Let us not forget that God gets the Glory for this historical event. Let us all continue to pray for a Change in our economy, our country, and our own lives. President Obama can't do it alone, we as Americans have to step up and get involved with issues in our communities, with our youth, on our jobs, and our country. We can help make America a better place. Paul wrote in Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me."
America's First Family

More pictures from the Inauguration,

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