Thursday, June 18, 2009

Jeanne Survived ChemoTherapy!!!

Jeanne before Chemo. Jeanne during Chemo treatments.

Yea!!!! It's been 16 long weeks and Jeanne has made it through Chemotherapy!
Jeanne has given me permission to share, that she has breast cancer. In my previous blog about
Jeanne I was sending out requests for everyone to pray for her, by the way, she appricates everyones' prayers. Now, Jeanne ask that everyone that reads the blog to become a supporter in the fight against Breast Cancer. If you would like to contribute there is a website: that donates it's proceeds to women in need of mammograms who don't have insurance or can't afford the procedure, or you can donate on the American Cancer Society website.

This photo was taking during the last dose of Chemo. Jeanne had a few choice words to express about the experience, but I will just express Praises to God for bringing her through.

Well my friend, you have made it through the first battle; now on to Radiation Treatment in July.

A special thanks to all that are keeping Jeanne in their prayers.

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