Saturday, June 20, 2009

Look Who's 19 Today!

Where has the time gone?
It seems like, just yesterday I was chasing him around the playground and wiping his runny nose.

His first dance, in his freshmen year of High School....He just knew he was all that!
Then, he got his driver's license (no, Uncle Mack didn't let him drive the antique

Then his Senior Prom and Graduation snuck up on me...:( and then off to college my baby went...and yes, I cried like a baby when he drove off into his new

Our children grow up fast, and the only thing we can do as mothers is pray and hold on to the faith that we raised our sons and daughters up right. I am so blessed, through God's grace and mercy thus far my children have made me nothing but the proud mother.

So to my baby boy, Deionte.......................................
Happy Birthday!!!! You will always be my "papa bear".

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