Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Thanksgiving in Vegas with the Fam!

It was a blessing to beable to spend Thanksgiving with the Jackson Family in Las Vegas. Lil'Frankie got to snap his first wishbone, and then kick back for a nap on his Great-Uncle Charlie's lap.

I finally got to meet Ms. AnneMarie. Congratulations goes to her and Frankie for the little one that's on the way in the Summer 2010. I am banking on a little girl...:o)

I got to visit with Mamie and her fiance Robert. Blessings to them both as they prepare for their upcoming wedding in October 2010.

And a Birthday celebration with Frankie IV who will be turning 1 years old this month.

We all enjoyed one another, and I especially enjoyed watching football with my Uncle Frank. Wish I could be in DC on Jan. 7th to watch the Uni. of Alabama beat the Texas Longhorns with ya Uncle Frank...:o)
I am looking forward to the up coming events in 2010...WoW!!! The Jackson's are going to have a busy New Year.....New baby in the Summer, a wedding in October...Aunt Faye you are going to have to come to Monterey to relax and recover.

Family and Friends

Thank you...to my family and friends for supporting Simba in this 2009 Football Season. It was a hard season, but God pulled Simba through...God has truly blessed my Baby Boy. We had a ACL scare and then the shoulder surgery due to a dislocation...but through it all God was and will always be in Control.

Hornets Win Against UC Davis

Simba chatting with "The AlMIGHTY GOD"....Amen
Sac States Hornets defeats UC Davis for the 2nd year in the CauseWay Classics.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sweet Victory!!!!

"Yea Boieeeee".....Hornets win against N.Colorado 38-35!!!!!!!
Simba after a hard days work, walked away with 8 tackles and 1 Interception

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Dread's are Bangin'

Simba's back on the job. Thank you to everyone for your many prayers for Deionte's recovery. His knee is better, and he is performing on the field as well as in the classroom with a gpa of 3.8.

The "Princess" is playing basketball and doing well in school as well.

Papa finally gets a picture with all of his Grandbabies!!!

Meet George!

Yes People, Charlene has finally met someone she is happy with.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Simba.....is on the Road to Recovery!!!!

Thank you to you all for your many prayers and inspiration. Thank God for you all. It's not easy watching your child hurting, and I am thankful to beable to call on family and friends for prayer and support.
Deionte is now going through the physical therapy rehab. The doctor says it was just a strain, so now Deionte will be going through strength training and continued ice treatments for his knee.
Although I love the game of football and know the consequences of a contact sport; I still get over emotional when it's my baby that's hurt. Please keep my "Simba" in your prayers.

Mommy's Babies

Thank you to my dad, Charlie, VV, Analicia, Lil' Charlie, and Selah for thier support in attending the Las Vegas Game, Deionte was excited about the family being there.

Monday, July 6, 2009

God Is So Awesome!!!!

This is a view of the sky from my apartment complex.
I was amazed at how the sun was shining through different sections of the clouds.

How awesome is God's work.....it's a blessing to capture something this beautiful.
Sunbeams dancing on the ocean surface.

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."
Genesis 1:1

Remarkable Beauty.

Just radiant.

When I look around at what all God has given us and done for me; the only thing I can fix my mouth to say is.............."Thank you Lord."

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork."
Psalm 19:1

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Look Who's 19 Today!

Where has the time gone?
It seems like, just yesterday I was chasing him around the playground and wiping his runny nose.

His first dance, in his freshmen year of High School....He just knew he was all that!
Then, he got his driver's license (no, Uncle Mack didn't let him drive the antique truck....lol).

Then his Senior Prom and Graduation snuck up on me...:( and then off to college my baby went...and yes, I cried like a baby when he drove off into his new life....lol

Our children grow up fast, and the only thing we can do as mothers is pray and hold on to the faith that we raised our sons and daughters up right. I am so blessed, through God's grace and mercy thus far my children have made me nothing but the proud mother.

So to my baby boy, Deionte.......................................
Happy Birthday!!!! You will always be my "papa bear".

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Honey's Surgery was a SUCCESS!!!!

Well, family and friends my mother's surgery was a SUCCESS!!!
God has truely blessed my mother. The doctor has removed the cancer from the infected part of her body and expects her to have a full recovery.

Can you believe that Honey plans on going to the Blues Festival next week?

Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes!

Jeanne Survived ChemoTherapy!!!

Jeanne before Chemo. Jeanne during Chemo treatments.

Yea!!!! It's been 16 long weeks and Jeanne has made it through Chemotherapy!
Jeanne has given me permission to share, that she has breast cancer. In my previous blog about
Jeanne I was sending out requests for everyone to pray for her, by the way, she appricates everyones' prayers. Now, Jeanne ask that everyone that reads the blog to become a supporter in the fight against Breast Cancer. If you would like to contribute there is a website: thebreastcancersite.com/store that donates it's proceeds to women in need of mammograms who don't have insurance or can't afford the procedure, or you can donate on the American Cancer Society website.

This photo was taking during the last dose of Chemo. Jeanne had a few choice words to express about the experience, but I will just express Praises to God for bringing her through.

Well my friend, you have made it through the first battle; now on to Radiation Treatment in July.

A special thanks to all that are keeping Jeanne in their prayers.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Analicia is Graduating from High School!

Ms. Ana is Graduating from Hamilton High School in Los Angeles, California.
It's time to go out in the WORLD, and be all that you can be.

Family, I ask that you keep Analicia in your prayers as she goes out in the world and discover what life has to offer.

Ana, as you go on your way....always remember to keep God first. You can not make it in this life without Him. Remember to:

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean
not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways
acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Congratulations Baby Girl!!! and may God continue to Bless you.
Auntie loves you.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Selah.....Is 2 years old today, my how times flies.
Happy Birthday Baby Girl! Auntie Loves you!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Mr. Mac

This is Mr. Mac. He sits on top of my pencil sharpener at work. He has become my little buddy, but for some reason my co-workers thinks it's okay to take out their personal frustration and anxiety issues on him; by squeezing and pulling on Mr. Mac. As you can see in the photo he has lost quite a bit of his hair, and his little light doesn't flash anymore. Now, tell me...why is it; that people think it's okay to tamper with other people's property. Mr. Mac didn't bother anyone, he did his job of guarding the pencil sharpener. So, now I have to put my little friend to rest. He has lost more hair since this photo, and his limbs are barely hanging on. Farewell, Mr. Mac...Thank you for entertaining me. You will be missed.

Monday, May 11, 2009

What a Blessing!

God is so good! I have spent many summers visiting my grandparents and hanging out with my cousins. We all had good times together just hanging out being kids. Now, for the first time in my life my cousin Dean has made it out to visit me and the family. When he first called me and told me that he and his wife would be stopping in to see me I didn't believe him. Reason being, #1 they were on their HONEYMOON and #2 I have never known Dean to travel past the state of Texas. I enjoyed every moment that we shared, and I am looking forward to them visiting me again. Alright Dean and Carolyn get your hiking boots, on your next visit we will hike the trails of the Point Lobos Reserve.....:o)
Just when I thought things could not get better............

My Uncles Came to Town!!!!!
Yea!!! The Uncles are HERE!!!
Look at those handsome rascals. Those are "Grandma's Baby Boys"

Although I only got a short visit with them, it was a joy to see them all. Even though my Daddy was the only brother in the group to produce a girl, I always felt like I was the uncles little girl to.

And of Course I have to mention the Aunties!
I dare not put the Uncles on the blog without saying something about the Aunties.
For those of you that wonder why I act so crazy, it's because I have all four of these ladies personalities in me. I remember growing up, my grandmother would call me by each of their names.
I always knew how I was acting by the name I was called. Thank God, Grandma raised smart, strong-minded Christian Women!