Monday, May 23, 2011

Auntie's Saturday Entertainment!

Well, America I thought I would get active and teach my little niece how to crawl. I figure that six months is long enough to be getting a free ride, it's time to get mobile. So, I ran this idea across Kiara Jade. I got down at eye level with her, so that she would know that I mean business. And I said, "Babygirl, it's time to get moving" I got on my hands and knees to demonstrate how to crawl.
I guess Babygirl thought I was some kind of funny, because she gave out a belly laugh and blew bubbles in my face. She hurt her ole'Auntie's feelings, and I had to give her the sad face.
She didn't care, she just kept on laughing.......but she must of felt a little sympathy for me
because, she took a moment to think about it.

She thought....and she thought!

Finally, she makes it up on all fours, then just when you think she is off and running....

She does something that I think is the most Awesome thing. I think to myself, "Babygirl is going to walk before she crawls"....I get excited now, because my efforts have paid off, my niece have went from learning to crawl to taking her first steps...and I get to be the first to witness it...:o) So I thought.....

In all my excitement, she reach out for her toy, rolled over and continued watching Sprouts! (her favorite children's show channel)

Well, that's a day in the life of Kiara Jade. Gotta love her!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Natural Beauty

Hello America, this is my beautiful sister-in-law ViVi with my niece & nephew.
She is an awesome Mommy...she has a lot of energy, she enjoys being a mommy and teaching Selah & lil' Charlie new things to promote their growth/development. I am impressed with the children when I talk with them on the phone, and learn of the new things they are doing. Hey, I am more impressed that my 5yr old nephew has an income....LOL!

But get this!
I have been pregnant 2 times, I have 2 wonderful children.

....I don't ever remember my body looking like this at 7 months pregnant.
My kids are 15 & 20, I still can't get my butt into a bikini....what gives?

ViVi works hard to stay fit and she eats the right things to stay healthy, so I can't hate on her for something that I should be doing.
I love my sister-in-law, I know I don't tell her enough.
Thank you Sistah Girl for all that you do.

Oh yea! I still hope that it's a Boy, so that I can call him Julius....:o)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Hole In the Head

What an amazing story.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Next Generation

My parents have 8 Grandchildren, with one on the way. I know the new addition is to be a girl, but I would like to have another nephew. I have 4 nieces and 2 nephews. My nephew John Burgess is no longer with us...he was a preemie and his little lungs just wasn't developed enough for him to stay with us, so God saw fit to take him home with Him.
I don't know if I have already introduced the "next generation", but here they are:
Analicia who is now 20

Deionte will be turning 21

Ariella...our Poetess....has just turned 16

Tatiana...our Dancer & Singer is 15...

Charlie III our model/actor is 5

Selah...the Princess...will be turning 4

Kiara Jade....our newest addition 6mo

And John Burgess, if he were still with us...would have been 19 years old.

Look Who Got Her Ears Pierced!

There should be a law for being this Cute!

Happy Mother's Day

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Do you see that little white speck in Baby Girl's mouth that looks like a grain of rice?...and if you look real close, another one is popping up along beside it. Well, those little grains of rice sent my sweet Baby Girl into a PMS frenzy! I don't know why God had to make it so painful for the baby. Hats off to her mother....I got to spend an afternoon with BabyGirl, and she has mood swings like you wouldn't believe. One minute she is crying, next she is laughing in my face...she got distracted by the dog jumping around and lost interested very quickly watching her play. Dear Lord, please pop the rest of Baby Girl's teeth into her head quickly so I can bond with my sweet little angel again. It's been along time since I have really hung out with a baby, and I don't remember it being like this.
I wonder, (hmmm) does this mean she is going to be a good teenager?...since she is going through her drama experience now?
Auntie is gonna hang in there with ya' BabyGirl! We will get through this teething thing...we may have to go on a Disney Cruise to forget about the trauma of "Teething"....:o)