Monday, May 23, 2011

Auntie's Saturday Entertainment!

Well, America I thought I would get active and teach my little niece how to crawl. I figure that six months is long enough to be getting a free ride, it's time to get mobile. So, I ran this idea across Kiara Jade. I got down at eye level with her, so that she would know that I mean business. And I said, "Babygirl, it's time to get moving" I got on my hands and knees to demonstrate how to crawl.
I guess Babygirl thought I was some kind of funny, because she gave out a belly laugh and blew bubbles in my face. She hurt her ole'Auntie's feelings, and I had to give her the sad face.
She didn't care, she just kept on laughing.......but she must of felt a little sympathy for me
because, she took a moment to think about it.

She thought....and she thought!

Finally, she makes it up on all fours, then just when you think she is off and running....

She does something that I think is the most Awesome thing. I think to myself, "Babygirl is going to walk before she crawls"....I get excited now, because my efforts have paid off, my niece have went from learning to crawl to taking her first steps...and I get to be the first to witness it...:o) So I thought.....

In all my excitement, she reach out for her toy, rolled over and continued watching Sprouts! (her favorite children's show channel)

Well, that's a day in the life of Kiara Jade. Gotta love her!

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