Thursday, May 19, 2011

Natural Beauty

Hello America, this is my beautiful sister-in-law ViVi with my niece & nephew.
She is an awesome Mommy...she has a lot of energy, she enjoys being a mommy and teaching Selah & lil' Charlie new things to promote their growth/development. I am impressed with the children when I talk with them on the phone, and learn of the new things they are doing. Hey, I am more impressed that my 5yr old nephew has an income....LOL!

But get this!
I have been pregnant 2 times, I have 2 wonderful children.

....I don't ever remember my body looking like this at 7 months pregnant.
My kids are 15 & 20, I still can't get my butt into a bikini....what gives?

ViVi works hard to stay fit and she eats the right things to stay healthy, so I can't hate on her for something that I should be doing.
I love my sister-in-law, I know I don't tell her enough.
Thank you Sistah Girl for all that you do.

Oh yea! I still hope that it's a Boy, so that I can call him Julius....:o)

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