Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Do you see that little white speck in Baby Girl's mouth that looks like a grain of rice?...and if you look real close, another one is popping up along beside it. Well, those little grains of rice sent my sweet Baby Girl into a PMS frenzy! I don't know why God had to make it so painful for the baby. Hats off to her mother....I got to spend an afternoon with BabyGirl, and she has mood swings like you wouldn't believe. One minute she is crying, next she is laughing in my face...she got distracted by the dog jumping around and lost interested very quickly watching her play. Dear Lord, please pop the rest of Baby Girl's teeth into her head quickly so I can bond with my sweet little angel again. It's been along time since I have really hung out with a baby, and I don't remember it being like this.
I wonder, (hmmm) does this mean she is going to be a good teenager?...since she is going through her drama experience now?
Auntie is gonna hang in there with ya' BabyGirl! We will get through this teething thing...we may have to go on a Disney Cruise to forget about the trauma of "Teething"....:o)

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